Duke Project Management Seminar: Journey to the Secret Sauce
Beyond the PMBOoK: Journey to the Secret Sauce - A Discussion of 'The Power of Habit' by Charles Duhigg
Developing good habits is critical to good program or project management. Habits are a cycle of three components: Cue—Routine—Reward. People tend to think of the routine as the important part, but researchers have found the cue and reward are the really critical parts of this cycle. Cues and rewards shape how habits work. As habits develop in humans, we actively think less and less, and operate mainly on unconscious repetition.
In this event, Janet Lockhart, CPA, PMP will present a 19 minute video by 'The Power of Habit' author Charles Duhigg, and then lead a discussion. Attendees will see examples of the "Cue—Routine—Reward" process and how this method transformed the development of the Febreze odor remover product, as well as how it contributed to the problem resolution approach that is used at Starbucks. This seminar is sponsored by NCPMI Higher Education Community of Practice and the Duke Project Management Community of Practice.
Janet Lockhart, CPA, PMP, Senior Contracting Officer
RTI International