N3C: Pharma/Commercial Domain Team
COVID-19 Research Open House Week: Pharma/Commercial Domain Team
The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) is hosting an Open House to engage CTSA members, newcomers, and the wider translational research community. The N3C is a data resource and collaborative community built for COVID-19 research. The N3C Data Enclave contains harmonized, patient-level clinical data from 36 institutions across the country, allowing the research community to study COVID-19 at a scale and statistical power not possible within any single institution.
The vision of the Pharma-Commercial Domain Team is to maximize engagement with commercial groups to support the increased use and utility of N3C resources and community for research on COVID-19.
Those interested should email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for an invite.