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Date: Monday, October 26, 2020 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Categories: Other Sponsor

The Office for Human Research Ethics (OHRE) has been working with UNC Information Technology Services (ITS), ITS Policy Office, Privacy Office, Office of Clinical Trials (OCT), and IT-School of Medicine (SOM), regarding the upcoming revision to the “Transmission of Sensitive Information” standard and how this will affect human subject research. Although the standard is broader than communication with research subjects, it is inclusive of them as well. This revision will allow for an exception to the current process to permit texting or email with an individual through an exception process that involves obtaining the individual’s consent for certain types of messages.

The standard is set to be released on October 26. In preparation, updates are being made to IRBIS, consent templates, SOP’s and a FAQ is being completed. OHRE is also hosting an information session where presenters will review the standard FAQ and answer questions those in attendance may have.


Dennis Schmidt, Associate Vice Chancellor for Institutional Privacy and CISO

Kim Stahl, Senior Policy and Process Lead, ITS Policy Office

Brian Penders, Chief Information Security Officer, IT-SOM

Chris Nelson, Director, Office of Clinical Trials

Cassandra Myers, Director Office of Human Research Ethics

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