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Month Flat Week Day
Date: Thursday, October 08, 2020 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Categories: Other Sponsor

As a result of showing up every day and performing your role to the best of your ability, mistakes will happen. Everyone makes them. They may be a sign your systems and processes are flawed, or they may identify the limits of your established norms.

This seminar covers ways to problem solve, communicate, learn from and prevent mistakes, and along the way demonstrate the importance that a compassionate approach can have in empowering your team when navigating these challenges. Use of Lean Six Sigma techniques can assist you in designing, measuring and evaluating key performance indicators to help keep your projects operating in a state of control, and identify when they are not so that you can intervene early and move on.


Julie Eckstrand, RPh
Director of Operations


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