Odum Institute: Introduction to Qualtrics

Wed. 22 Feb, 2023 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

This course will be offered via Zoom only and will not be recorded. This is a 3 hour course. This course is only open to the UNC Chapel Hill community as you must have a UNC Qualtrics account to take this course.

Qualtrics is a powerful browser-based web-survey tool that the Odum Institute survey research team brought to campus in 2006. It is available to all UNC Chapel Hill faculty, staff, and students, for UNC-related projects. Qualtrics allows users to build complex surveys, distribute them, and analyze the responses all from one place. In this course, we will cover basic Qualtrics functions including creating multiple choice and text entry questions, programming display and skip logic, distributing surveys, creating and uploading contact lists, and sharing a survey. This is an introductory course and will not cover use of the online analysis tools within Qualtrics.

Instructor: Michelle Temple
With over 5 years of experience with Qualtrics, Michelle has worked with the Odum Institute in varying capacities since 2003. She is a UNC alum receiving her B.A. in Sociology. While working toward her degree, she was hired as a telephone interviewer at the Odum Institute and was later promoted to call center manager before accepting a full-time role as Program Administrator, Project Manager, and Consultant. During her time at Odum, she was involved in the initial creation of the administrative infrastructure and managed operational aspects of the Certificate Program in Survey Methodology (currently known as the Certificate in Survey Science). As a project manager, she applied social science research methods to manage data collection projects including telephone, mail, in-person, web surveys, and focus groups. Additionally, she has offered consultation services for questionnaire design, question writing, and Qualtrics programming. Currently, Michelle is focusing her time supporting Qualtrics-related needs across campus and is available to provide consultation and support with technical software questions, and programming services.
