Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Categories: Other Sponsor *

Race, Racism, and Racial Equity Series - ARTivism: Using Arts-based Scholarship to Interrogate and Dismantle Racism

The arts can help us better understand systems of oppression and their impacts, challenge white supremacy, foster dialogue around race and racism, and advance racial equity.

“ARTivism” will highlight work by UNC scholars and current and former graduate students to do just that through various artistic genres, including performance, storytelling, music, painting, and photography. We are also honored to include a spoken word performance by Chapel Hill’s inaugural Poet Laureate, CJ Suitt.

Travis Albritton, Clinical Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
UNC-Chapel Hill School of Social Work
